Eka Aris Al Rosyid

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Will You Marry Me....

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Will you marry me…
Do you want to live together forever?
We can sweetly love each other.
Have a baby that looks like me, a baby that looks like you.
Not be sick forever.. I want to live like that.

Honestly, I love you more.
In a relationship between man and woman.
They say it's better like that.

I'll love you more.
I'll care for you more.
When tears fall and it's hard.
When it hurts, we'll hurt together.
I'll love you forever.
I'll protect you forever.
I'm thankful that I met someone as great as you.
I want to love only you everyday.

Will you marry me…

Everyday, I feel so happy that.
For no reason, I look forward to the next day.
Why am I trembling so much.
No matter how I think of it, you're my number one person.
Until our black hair turns white as snow.
Until our lives end.
Even if you suffer physically, I won't ever make you suffer emotionally.

You're the other half of my heart.
I'll become the other half of your heart.
Every moment that you breathe.
I'll love you.
Even as time passes and our wrinkles grow.
You and me, we'll be together forever like now.

You're like a light that brightened up my dark life.
A house that welcomes me with the sound of stew boiling.
A rain that watered my dry heart.
A seed that contains the real fruit of love.
A string of fate that the heavens decided.
Our meeting was destined by the heavens.
I wouldn't trade you for the world.
In my life, there's only you, forever.

Will you marry me…..

- by Lee Seung Gi -
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